RSVP for MLK Day Family Experience on 1/17/21
Best for families with children 3rd grade and up

12:30-1:30 - Volunteer Mitzvah Project at The Temple
1:30-3:00 - Special Tour at Belle Meade Plantation

Learn about the African American experience at Belle Meade as you tour the Slave Cabin and the Kitchen House. On your visit, you will follow a day in the lives of Millie and Monroe, two children who labored on the Belle Meade Farm in the years surrounding the Civil War. Examine the symbolism found in African American music and folk art of the time. Create your own symbolic art as you develop a deeper understanding of the African American experience in the 1800s, from the daily struggles of slavery, to the complicated nature of freedom, and the ways in which enslaved people both thrived and survived in difficult times.