Purim Carnival Drive Thru
A different kind of Purim Carnival with lots of familiar games, food and fun for the whole family!
Get your costumes on, load up the car, and head to The Temple for a Purim Carnival like no other!
Games, balloon animals, mitzvah projects, prizes, hamantaschen, candy and more!
social distancing observed and masks required for all
9:30 -10:00 AM - especially for tot families with kids 0-5
10:00-12:00 PM - open to all
The carnival is free of charge this year!
We will be collecting donations of new and gently used towels, sheets, blankets for domestic violence victims and hearing aids and batteries.

Purim Carnival Drive Thru - POSTPONED to 3/7/21
A different kind of Purim Carnival with lots of familiar games, food and fun for the whole family!
Get your costumes on, load up the car, and head to The Temple for a Purim Carnival like no other!
Games, balloon animals, mitzvah projects, prizes, hamantaschen, candy and more!
social distancing observed and masks required for all
9:30 -10:00 AM - especially for tot families with kids 0-5
10:00-12:00 PM - open to all
The carnival is free of charge this year!
We will be collecting donations of new and gently used towels, sheets, blankets for domestic violence victims and hearing aids and batteries.

Pub Style Trivia on Zoom!
Temple Virtual Trivia Contest at 6:00 PM
General Knowledge Trivia! History, Entertainment, Pop Culture and More!
Sign up as a team or ask to be put on a team!
Click Here to Sign Up: https://forms.gle/vsoUM1KSCubffU2AA

Purim Tot Shabbat
Join Rabbi Mackler and Cantor Fishbein for Tot Shabbat Purim! Lots of singing, crafts, and Purim fun!

Shabbat Service and Purim Celebration!
Join us for a fun-filled Shabbat Service and Purim Celebration! Wear your best masks and be ready for a virtual shpiel that you’ll never forget! Lots of singing, silliness and Shabbat merriment!

Purim Cocktails and Commentary
Celebrate the beginning of Purim with cocktails and commentary on the Book of Esther on Zoom. Reserve a special cocktail kit & hamantaschen by calling The Temple office at 615-352-7620. Pick up the kits February 23-25 at The Temple office.

Purim Cooking Demo with Rabbi Mackler & Cantor Fishbein
‘Clergy in the Kitchen’ returns with a Purim edition! Learn how to make hamantaschen for breakfast, lunch and dinner (and dessert!). Broadcasted live on Zoom.

Purim 101 - Origins, Traditions and Customs - Adult Education
Join Rabbis Schiftan, Mackler and Shulman & Cantor Fishbein as they explore the different aspects, traditions and fun facts about the holiday of Purim, each from a unique perspective! Virtual session on Zoom.

Women in the Purim Story - Adult Education
Learn about the role women play in the Purim story from the Book of Esther to today! Join Rabbi Mackler and Rabbi Shulman for this Zoom adult learning session as we prepare for Purim!