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Tony McAleer: The Cure for Hate

A former Skinhead and Holocaust denier, Tony McAleer, traveled to Aushchwitz/Birkenau in the spirit of teshuvah, repentance, McAleer, profoundly aware and deeply ashamed of the lineage of hate he once promoted, felt the need to bear witness to the inconceivable ravages of the Holocaust and deepen his work against the rise of extremist politics. Both a book and a film, The Cure for Hate documents McAleer’s personal journey of atonement while also exploring the conditions that allowed for the rise of fascism in 1930’s Europe.

Tony spent 15 years in the white supremacist and neo-Nazi movement, starting as a skinhead before evolving to leadership positions. Instrumental in ushering in the use of the internet as a means to disseminate white supremacist propaganda, he was ultimately brought before the Canadian Human Rights Commission for his offenses in a case that captured nationwide attention.

Following over a thousand hours of individual & group counseling to understand his own process, Tony was instrumental in helping to found Life After Hate, an organization that supports those considering exiting hate groups. Tony served as its Executive Director from 2013-2017, and Board Chair until his departure in 2019.

Now a certified Life Coach, Tony works closely with law enforcement and government, from Attorney Generals to senior staff at the Department of Homeland Security. He also supports Government and Law enforcement in Victoria, Australia helping them grapple with the rising problem of violent white supremacist groups.

He is the Author of The Cure For Hate: A Former White Supremacist's Journey from Violent Extremism to Radical Compassion, published by Arsenal Pulp Press; his TED Talk on "Radical Compassion" is available via TEDx

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