High Holy Days at The Temple 2020/5781
High Holy Days 2020/5781 Services
Archived: Click Here to Watch the Rosh Hashanah Evening Service
Archived: Click Here to Watch the Rosh Hashanah Morning Service
Kol Nidre - Yom Kippur Evening
Sunday, September 27
Broadcast begins at 6:30 PM
Service begins at 7:00 PM
Yom Kippur Family Service
Monday, September 28
9:00 AM
Yom Kippur Morning
Monday, September 28
Broadcast begins at 9:30 AM
Service begins at 10:00 AM
Congregants’ Hour
Monday, September 28
12:00 PM
Yom Kippur Afternoon
Monday, September 28
1:15 PM
Yom Kippur Study Hour
Monday September 28
2:30 PM
Yom Kippur Yizkor and Conclusion
Monday, September 20
4:00 PM