Breakfast Box Drive!

Collecting Items from November 22-December 22

Help Provide Nutritious and Delicious Breakfasts for Children and Families Experiencing Homelessness

Drop off at The Temple, 9-5 during the week:
On Fridays and Saturdays during Shabbat Services/Chevrah Torah
Sunday mornings during Religious School

OR – Select and Purchase from the Amazon Wishlist by Clicking Here!

 Shelf-Stable Milk of All Kinds
Small Multipacks of Cereal
Microwavable & Disposable Bowls
Can Openers
Packets of Instant Oatmeal
Snack Size Cans of Fruit
Juice Boxes
UNOPENED takeout utensil/napkin packs

The Temple and our Religious School are creating a partnership with HERO to support children and families right here in our Nashville community.  In conversation with the directors of this organization, we have crafted a collection drive that will provide critical items for families as we head into December and winter vacation from school.

 The Homeless Education Resource Office (HERO) for Families in Transition identifies and supports students within Metro Nashville Public Schools who are experiencing homelessness. The HERO program strives to make school a consistent, safe, and comfortable place for students to be while also providing relief in the form of referrals and school-based assistance to families.The HERO program serves about 3,500 children or youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence each year.