The HERO Program of Metro Nashville Public Schools is dedicated to meeting all the needs of our students who are experiencing homelessness and making sure they are prepared to learn each day. Because of this, we’re excited to invite you to join Purposity.
The HERO Pogram officially launched with Purposity in January 2018.  Since then, over 1,500 needs have been met for students, families, and others throughout Nashville. 

Purposity allows you to quickly and easily lend a hand to someone right here in our community. By downloading their app, you’re sent notifications linked to a specific need once a week. It might be a winter jacket for a student in one of our schools or household essentials for a family that lost their home in a fire. The average item costs about $30 and directly impacts someone specific. You’ll be able to read their story and decide if you want to help, meeting the need in just a few clicks, right from your phone in under a minute. You’ll know exactly who you’re helping and why. It’s the simplest way to make an impact locally. 

The connection to the Purposity app means meeting needs for our students is even faster and easier.
The app replaces the previous weekly text messages that supporters received.  
The new app also has several others features to help you track your generosity, find inspirational content, and see your impact.

Just head to the App Store or Google Play to download the Purposity app and help is rally around our students! 


Social Justice Resources


Thank You to Our Volunteers!