Don’t forget to get all of your Chanukah candles, gelt and gifts from The Temple Gift Shop!
2nd Candle Friday, December 8
6:00 PM - Shabbat Chanukah Family Service with Musician-in-Residence, Noam Katz Festive Oneg meal after services
3rd Candle Saturday, December 9
9:30 AM - Chevrah Torah Study Session with Musician-in-Residence, Noam Katz
4:00 PM - Tot Chanukah for Families with children ages 0-5 with Noam Katz
5:00 PM - Community Menorah Lighting & Havdalah
4th Candle Sunday, December 10
10:45 AM - Religious School Family Concert for parents and children with Musician-in-Residence, Noam Katz
5th Candle Monday, December 11
4:00 PM - Nashville City Menorah Lighting with the Mayor at Public Square
6th Candle Tuesday, December 12
5:30 PM - W.E.L.L. Chanukah Party Celebrate with good food, good friends and lots of laughs! Join us at Patty Marks’ home for a veggie/dairy potluck and gift exchange. Bring a dish to share and a gift no more than $25 to participate. Click Here to RSVP
7th Candle Wednesday, December 13
5:15 PM - After Hebrew School Dinner and Menorah Lighting - Click Here to RSVP