Join us at 5:30 PM every night of Chanukah to light the menorah together at The Temple! Gather at the Temple Parking Lot or virtually by clicking here.
1st Candle Sunday, November 28
4:30 PM - Menorah Lighting in the Temple parking lot with the leaders of Harpeth Hall School
2nd Candle Monday, November 29
5:30 PM - Menorah Lighting in the Temple parking lot with the Mayor and Police Chief of Belle Meade
5:30 PM - Menorah Lighting in the Temple parking lot with The Temple Preschool leaders
6:00 PM - Shabbat Chanukah Family Service and New Member Celebration
Care & Concern Committee Volunteer Doughnut Deliveries
7th Candle Saturday, December 4
10:00 AM - Tot Shabbat Chanukah for families with children ages 0-5 at The Temple
5:30 PM - Menorah Lighting in the Temple parking lot with Rabbi Joshua Kullock & Family from West End Synagogue
8th Candle Sunday, December 5
5:30 PM - Menorah Lighting in the Temple parking lot with Rabba Daniella Pressner & Rabbi Saul Strosberg from Akiva School & Congregation Sherith Israel