8 Nights of Chanukah, 8 Nights of Fun! Click Here for Chanukah Resources & Fun Activities for the Whole Family! Join us at 5:30 PM every night of Chanukah to light the menorah together at The Temple!Gather at the Temple Parking Lot*5:00 PM on Friday only* 1st CandleSunday, December 185:30 PM - Menorah Lighting in the Temple parking lot 2nd CandleMonday,December 195:30 PM - Menorah Lighting in the Temple parking lot 3rd CandleTuesday,December 205:30 - 6:30 PM - Latkes & Hot Chicken in the Lot, potato pancakes and hot chicken5:30 PM - Menorah Lighting in the Temple parking lot with the officers and clergy of The Temple 4th CandleWednesday,December 2112:00 PM - Clergy in the Kitchen BroadcastCLICK HERE TO WATCH ON ZOOM5:30 PM - Menorah Lighting in the Temple parking lot 5th CandleThursday,December 225:30 PM - Menorah Lighting in the Temple parking lot5:45-6:30 PM - Whiskey tasting & hot cider 6th CandleFriday,December 235:00 PM - Menorah Lighting in the Temple parking lot6:00 PM - Shabbat Chanukah Family Service and New Member Celebration 7th CandleSaturday,December 245:30 PM - Menorah Lighting in the Temple parking lot 8th CandleSunday,December 255:30 PM - Menorah Lighting in the Temple parking lot